Field Trips
Educators – Plan your experience
Plan your museum experience with various hands-on and inquiry-based options for pre-k, elementary, middle, and high school students. The best part is that you can customize the experience to fit your class’s needs best.
At the Museum
Make us your classroom! Take a guided tour through our exhibits or choose from one of our onsite programs presented by a museum educator.
Our educators work to engage learners in the exhibit spaces, exploring central themes and ideas of Waukesha County’s heritage with fun and engaging activities. Each program is 45 -50 minutes long, followed by 20-30 minutes of self-guided discovery time in our museum exhibits.
In Your Classroom
Can’t make it to the museum? Let us bring the museum to you with Museum ToGo!
Take a field trip without leaving your classroom and interact with museum docents in a live presentation. All programs have been adapted for on-the-go, including historic artifacts for hands-on learning. Each program lasts 45-50 minutes.

Discovery Boxes
Encourage your students’ curiosity! Discovery Boxes are collections of artifacts and primary source materials that allow students of all ages to get hands-on with history. Each box is built around a particular theme that can be easily incorporated into your existing content standards.
We understand that students are naturally curious and want to touch, feel, and experience what they are learning. Giving students the opportunity to get hands-on with history allows them to make more meaningful connections to the people and events which have shaped our world. The Discovery Boxes are developed with you, the teacher, in mind!
Current Discovery Boxes
- Immigration and Migration
- Native People of Wisconsin
- Wisconsin and the Fur Trade
- Pioneer Life and Settlement
- Victorian and the Springs Era
*Boxes are picked up at the museum when we are open and can be rented for up to 2 weeks.
To book a Discovery Box please contact:
Program & Education Coordinator
262-521-2859 ext. 224 |
Discovery Box Overviews and Contents
Curious about what is in each box? Wonder how it will fit into your lesson plan? Select each box below to view a pdf overview which lists key concepts and contents for each box.
Immigration and Migration
Native Peoples of Wisconsin
Pioneer Life and Settlement
Victorian and Springs Era
Wisconsin and the Fur Trade
Youth Groups
We are happy to offer a dynamic learning experience for community groups including day care centers, scouts, recreation centers, camps and places of worship. Choose from a variety of options to fit your groups style.
Girl Scouts and BSA Scout Programs
Our unique programs are designed to immerse scouts in a variety of topics, while completing their badge requirements.
Girl Scout Programs we currently offer:
- Playing in the Past
- Celebrating Community
- My Family Story
- Behind the Ballot
BSA Merit badges we currently offer:
- American Heritage
- Collections
- Genealogy
- Inventions
See something you think we may be able to offer but it’s not listed? Give us a call! We can often adapt our programs to fit many badge requirements.